
  • iwjkwjlwonh4 ha inviato un aggiornamento 1 anno, 11 mesi fa

    The EEC MINI PLANT STP system is based on the EEC High-Speed Bio-Tec biodegradation and sedimentation technology, which is unique due to its compactness and performance in respect of volumetric efficiency. These technologies are combined in a prefabricated; skid-mounted and standardized tank system that forms the EEC High-Speed Bio Tec Mini Plants for sewage treatment applications.

    EEC MBBR MINI PLANTS offers three standard models from 6, 20, and 30 m3/day. These Small scale systems include sludge, buffer, and feed tank. All EEC systems are extensively aerated and produce no odor. We have incorporated several world-class renowned equipment/instruments, which are time-tested, both at home & abroad. Utmost care has been taken for the selection of proper materials in the construction of each component in our package plant system, as we believe that appropriate selection of materials is vital in such an advanced system.