
  • Vetwetwerer5 ha inviato un aggiornamento 1 anno, 10 mesi fa

    Nobody likes oven-like, stuffy and smelly kitchen, especially when you spend most of your time in the kitchen. Ventilation in the kitchen is often overlooked by the majority of kitchen users, but the truth is that the ventilation is just as important as the cleanliness.

    It is important to keep in mind that a good Commercial Kitchen Ventilation will improve the performance as well as the health of kitchen staffs. A well-ventilated kitchen could greatly help in controlling kitchen temperature and air quality.

    The following are some reasons for equipping the kitchen with a proper ventilation system like Fume Extractor:

    Control kitchen temperature and enhance air quality
    The kitchen can get hot and grimy easily because cooking and preparing food generates heat, smoke, grease and odours. Installing a functional ventilation system is the easiest way to control kitchen temperature and improve the air quality. It works by expelling the hot air from your kitchen and creating a constant circulation of air within your kitchen. The elimination of impurities such as heat, smoke and fumes can greatly improve air quality for a pleasant and more comfortable kitchen environment.