
  • me886me ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 8 mesi fa

    What’s the Difference Between Bath Mats & Bath Rugs?

    When we step out of the bathtub or shower, it is nice to have a soft, plush, and warm place for our feet to land. Most of us have a bath mat or a bath

    rug waiting for us to step onto in our bathrooms at home, but did you know that the two are not created equal? Do you know the difference between bath mats

    and bath rugs? If not, no worries – most people don’t! Nevertheless, there is in fact a difference between the two that could influence which one you select

    for your home bathroom.

    Bath Mat vs Bath Rug

    When choosing décor for your home bathroom, it is helpful to know the differences between a bath mat vs bath rug so you can choose the best option for

    your space. Bath mats and bath rugs each have their own specific purpose. They also feature different aesthetics, so it is important to know details about

    each so you can properly choose between a bath mat vs bath rug for your family.

    What is a Bath Mat? – A bath mat is made specifically for preventing slips and wet floors in your

    bathroom. Bath mats are used right in front of your bathtub or shower to absorb water after you bathe. They are typically extra-absorbent and offer non-skid

    features for safety.