
  • tc26tc ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 7 mesi fa

    How Bad Is It Really to Never Change Your Pillow?

    It's no secret that a comfortable, supportive pillow is an important ingredient in a good night’s sleep. But what may come as a surprise is how often you’re supposed to invest in a new one. According to the Sleep Foundation, you should replace your pillow every one to two years for optimal R&R.

    Curious about the reasoning behind these guidelines? Us too — so we reached out to experts for some pillow talk. Here, we reveal what can go wrong if your pillow dates back to the Bush administration, plus signs it’s time for a new pillow and tips to extend that two-year lifespan a little longer.

    Your Sleep Could Suffer

    A squashed-down pillow can cause tense, achy muscles.