
  • wo886wo ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 8 mesi fa

    How to buy your first disposable diaper machine.

    Every disposable diaper manufacturer knows that the most difficult machine to buy is always the first one. Based on their earned experience with this

    first machine, diaper manufacturers become more knowledgeable and more cautious when buying their second or third machine. If only this level of knowledge

    was available to them from the beginning, they would have saved tens of thousands and in many cases even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Make sure you ask for the same exact items or the same diaper machine modules from all

    potential vendors; make sure each machine module is really equivalent in terms of the technology and process control; the acceptable performance for your

    equipment has to be well defined as part of the purchasing contract. It is easy to promise, some vendors do whatever it takes to try to close a deal, but to

    deliver against a well-defined contract is something else, few will take the risk. It is always better to visit an actual factory running the equipment

    instead of just visiting the equipment manufacturer. Of course, this is not always possible, but at least try.